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Solo Exhibition in Okay Works, Zirkusgasse 38, 1020, Vienna | 2022
Installation view ©Jana PerusichInstallation view ©Jana PerusichInstallation view ©Jana Perusich
Sciarada , 2021,
acrylic on canvas, 160x240cm ©Jana Perusich
detail of Sciarada ©Jana Perusich
detail of Sciarada ©Jana Perusich
detail of Sciarada ©Jana Perusich
Part of Di falsi antichi e ornamenti,
2022, acrylic on canvas, 160x120cm ©Jana Perusich
The Witch‘s Tablecloth, 2022, acrylic and pastels on canvas, 160x120 ©Jana Perusich
The remarkable commitment of standing still for group photos ,
2021,2022, acrylic and charcoal on canvas, 160x240cm ©Jana Perusich
Part of The remarkable commitment of standing still for group photos ,
2021,2022, acrylic and charcoal on canvas, 160x240cm ©Jana Perusich detail of The remarkable commitment of standing still for group photos ©Jana Perusich detail of The remarkable commitment of standing still for group photos ©Jana Perusich detail of The remarkable commitment of standing still for group photos ©Jana Perusich Installation view ©Jana Perusic
Armi di segale, 2022, acrylic, and charcoal on canvas,
160x120cm ©Jana Perusic
Untitled, 2022, acrylic, markers and collage on paper,
29,7x42 cm ©Jana Perusic
detail of Untitled ©Jana Perusic