Gloria Pagliani<-- back to Paintings
 “I see a bird, i see a painting of a bird, i see no bird at all, i see...”
Group exhibition in Herrengasse Hochhaus, with works of Anouk Lamm Anouk, Pia Veronica Åström, Angela Fischer, Alexander Hübner, Sven Jirka, Clemens Matschnig, Gloria Pagliani und Siggi Sekira curated by Martin Janda and Erwin Bohatsch.

Installation view ©Fabian Rettenbacher
Installation view ©Fabian Rettenbacher
Installation view ©Fabian Rettenbacher
Incastro, 2019, acrylic on canvas, 50x38 cm ©Fabian Rettenbacher
Looking for a Camouflage, 2020, Acrylic on canvas, 120x90cm ©Fabian Rettenbacher
Detail of “Looking for a camouflage” ©Fabian Rettenbacher
Detail of “Looking for a camouflage” ©Fabian Rettenbacher
La pista cifrata, 2020, acrylic and collage on canvas, 40x30cm ©Fabian Rettenbacher