Gloria Pagliani<-- back to Paintings
“I will spook when spooken to”
Group Exhibition, Burggasse 98, 1070 Vienna,  with works of Fabian Jankoschek and Gloria Pagliani | 2023
installation view
“My riot echo, it whispers only+++” 2O23, acrylic and charcoal on canvas, 16Ox12Ocm
“Arcade of: uno slogan da star” 2O23, acrylic and charcoal on canvas, 16OX24Ocm
“My riot echo, it whispers only+++” 2O23, acrylic and charcoal on canvas, 16Ox12Ocm
“Arcade of: uno slogan da star” 2O23, acrylic and charcoal on canvas, 16OX24Ocm
detail of “My riot echo, it whispers only+++”
detail of “My riot echo, it whispers only+++”
detail of “Arcade of: uno slogan da star”
detail of “Arcade of: uno slogan da star”
detail of “Arcade of: uno slogan da star”